The Manchester Symphony Orchestra presents its Wonder and Glory concert on Sunday, Dec. 10. Works include “Gloria” by Francis Poulenc, “Toccata” by Girolamo Frescobaldi, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” by Danny Elfman and “Christmas Overture” by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor under the direction of Debra Lynn, conductor and artistic director.
The Manchester Symphony Orchestra presents its Wonder and Glory concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10.
It is in Cordier Auditorium at Manchester University’s North Manchester campus.
Works include “Gloria” by Francis Poulenc, “Toccata” by Girolamo Frescobaldi, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” by Danny Elfman and “Christmas Overture” by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor under the direction of Debra Lynn, conductor and artistic director.
The concert features soprano Kenzie Hare, a 2018 MU graduate, the Manchester University A Cappella Choir, the Manchester Symphony Chorus and the Fort Wayne Philharmonic Youth Orchestra. Troy Webdell is conductor of the youth orchestra.
General admission is $20. As part of its community outreach, admission is free for anyone 18 years old and younger. It is also free for Manchester University students and employees. Tickets may be bought at the door or online at
What’s new at the MSO
- For the second year in a row, Manchester Symphony Orchestra (MSO) supporters can double their contributions to its endowment through a 1-for-1 endowment matching opportunity administered by the Community Foundation of Wabash County. Donations given through Dec. 31, 2023, will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to a total of $50,000. This opportunity was made possible through a generous donor. To make a donation to the endowment that is eligible for the 1-to-1 match, find the symphony endowment fund on the “Donors” tab at, or write a check made out to the Community Foundation of Wabash County with MSO Endowment in the memo line. The foundation address is 220 E Main St, North Manchester IN 46962.
About the MSO
- Dr. Debra J. Lynn is director of choral organizations and vocal studies at Manchester University. A composer who conducted for the third time this spring at Carnegie Hall, she is a collaborative musical storyteller. Learn more about Dr. Lynn: To arrange an interview with her, email
- With about 6,000 residents, North Manchester is one of the smallest communities in the nation with its own symphony orchestra. Residents of Wabash County and what was then Manchester College founded the symphony in 1939. That partnership continues today in its 85th season with a carefully crafted collaboration of professional and community musicians, as well as selected MU faculty, staff and student musicians.